Free Community Event about Wellness and Healing Modalities with multiple Presenters like Dr. Jack Kura-Acupuncturist&Chiropractor, Barbara Pacula-Bio-Puncturist, Two Nutritionists, Eugene and Sam, and many others.
We start at 10:30AM with Meet&Greet with Tea & Snacks and Pot Luck Vegetarian Lunch served at 1:30pm.
Great Speakers, Healers, Presenters and Open Community Brain-storming Session on Wellness, Self-Care and Life Styles
Raffle Tickets throughout the day and Raffle DRAWING in the late afternoon. Wonderful Prizes!
RSVP recommended as the space is limited, but NOT Required.
Bring your friends and family. All are Welcomed-including children.
Stay an hour or two or the whole day.
Cozy, warm floors and gong sessions included.
Donations from the heart are appreciated.
Check our Facebook and make your reservations there.
The 11th Annual WELLNESS DAY EVENT-Saturday, Jan 11th, 2020
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