Autumn Equinox Celebration – Special Workshop-From FATE for DESTINY-Friday 5:30-8:30pm

This Friday, Sept 21st  from 5:30pm to 8:30pm we will hold a Special Workshop to Celebrate the Autumn Equinox.
Fate and Destiny – karma and dharma – exist together.
At every moment we can choose to act in our fate,  or in our destiny.
In fate, we create karma–actions we must complete or resolve.
Acting in destiny we are in flow with the universe, with our spirit and with our basic nature.
These actions are beyond karma. They are in dharma, or, living within our destiny cycle.
We can make new choices to dissolve fate and transform ourselves. Utilizing the sacred science of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation,  we can re-write our destiny and live to our fullest potential.
Each of us has a very unique destiny to fulfill which no one else can complete.

That’s what this Workshop is all about – Shifting from Fate to Destiny…and
How to upgrade the FATE to DESTINY!!
We will have a short break in the middle – Tea and Snacks will be available.
COST: $35 at the Door, $25 Pre-registered (via Venmo or Pay Pal)
Checks and Cash accepted for pre-registration, if you stop by in person before Friday.
Space limit – 12 people. Name of our Venmo Account is Marilyn Valant
Open to all levels, all are welcome.

2019 Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Level 1 and Level 2

Many of you have called and asked for the 2019 Level 1 and the Level 2 Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training.  Just to let you know – we are currently in the process of planning, scheduling and registering the 2019 Kundalini Yoga Teachers Training Level 1.
Also for the first time here at Sat Nam Yoga Center we are considering and planning the Level 2  in 2019.  It is quite a process to plan,  to register and book the Trainings and we will post more information as soon as we have them – most likely by the end of October.
In the mean time if you have any questions  regarding this topic please do not hesitate to call or to email us.  Tel: 845-866-3063
Sat Nam!!

NEW MOON in Virgo – Sunday, Sept 9th

But here at Sat Nam Yoga we will Celebrate and learn more about this New Moon and its meaning on Monday at 5:30pm Special New Moon Yoga Class.

On this New Moon in the evening the planet Venus goes retrograde and it is in Scorpio and together with the New Moon in Virgo it gives us a perfect set up for reassessing our relationships but especially our intimate relationship. Also this is a good time to dream-big and be ready to go for it.  There is much more to come….on Monday night at 5:30pm at  Sat Nam Yoga…