**NEW Dates-LEVEL 2 TEACHER TRAINING – Conscious Communication offered at Sat Nam for the first time this FALL

Transform your inner & outer world with KRI Level 2 Teacher Training Module

We are excited to announce a new Level 2 Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training, now offered at Sat Nam Yoga Center. The Aquarian Teacher Training Program has been divided into three stages: Level One: Foundation—Instructor, Level Two: Transformation—Practitioner and Level Three: Realization—Teacher. For students who have successfully completed the level one training, we are now offering the next level of training.

Level 2 Training, called Transformation, is the second stage of training and personal development in The Aquarian Teacher Training Program. It consists of five separate modules that can be taken in any order. They include Conscious Communication, Mind and Meditation, Authentic Relationships, LifeCycles and Life-Styles, and Vitality and Stress. This second level of training is about deep transformation and developing your core capacities, your character, caliber and consciousness. Because of the profound nature of the transformation that these courses provoke and the competencies that are required in order to fully participate in Level Two Trainings, KRI requires participants to be KRI Level One Certified Instructors and to take a minimum of two years to complete the entire cycle.