Teacher Training Update 2020

We are looking forward to holding the teacher training this year, however due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we may have to hold some or all of the training online. The current training schedule may be postponed until September, and we will share further details as they are confirmed.

At this time we are awaiting cormation from the Kundalini Research Institute, the organization that oversees the Teacher Training Program, on when and how we can hold the training. There is much changing from day to day, so we are going with the flow and staying flexible to make the training possible.

More details will be shared soon, please check back.

New Online Yoga@Home Classes and in-person at Sat Nam

I can’t believe it’s September already!! We hope you are staying healthy and strong in the midst of everything that is happening globally, in our country, and our community. Thank God things got much better here in Sullivan Co.
Some people still prefer to stay home to ensure their own safety, and everyone else’s. That’s why we offer both choices. You can do Kundalini Yoga Classes from your home on Zoom or you can participate in person here at the Studio. I invite you especially the Super Healing Sundays – they are wonderful way to connect, to heal and to visit with each other at the outdoor table, talking and sharing a meal.

Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Gong – these available modalities are the perfect way to keep your mind calm and your body strong and free of stress – for ourselves, and to help those around us too. We are all in this together, so practicing yoga at this time is really a form of community service!

So here’s the NEW Yoga@Home Online & @Studio Yoga Class Schedule as of September 1, 2020:

SUNDAYS 11:00am-12:30pm by Donation
Super Healing Sunday with Kundalini Yoga, Pranayama & Meditation and Pot Luck Lunch when here in person.
via Zoom


TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS (Laughing Yoga) KUNDALINI YOGA 5:30pm-7:00pm.
These Classes are Paid Yoga Classes whether on Zoom or in person.

Click here to join these online Kundalini Yoga Interactive Classes: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/361048348

To make your Donations or to pay for a class or to get the 10-Class Card – VENMO is the preferred payment method but you can also use PayPal (link below) or snail mail check. One individual yoga class is $20 or you can purchase 10-Class Card for $130 which is good for two months since it’s first use.
Please visit the class page to donate via PayPal: http://motherdivinefoundation.org/yogaathome/ 


***SEPTEMBER UPDATE: Currently SAT NAM YOGA IS OPEN for Yoga Classes (in-person at the studio and on line, following proper social distancing measures), also for Private Consultation, Floating Sessions and Compassion Inquiry Therapy Sessions. To attend in-studio yoga class, and/or to make an appointment for any treatments please RSVP to reserve your spot. To do so, please email Gitanjali at gitanjali@motherdivinefoundation.org. or call or text to 845-866-3063

Stay healthy & wash your hands,
Sat Nam!