Annual Wellness Day Event

Dear Ones,

This Sunday, Jan 31st  is our 13th Annual Wellness Day Event.

It starts with welcoming breakfast snacks and Yogi Tea at 8:45am at the Studio.

At 9AM the Wellness Program starts on Zoom (link below),  and at the Studio.

This is a Community Event and you are all invited to come and to share your wisdom,

to brain-storm as a community, to celebrate life,  to support each other on our journey.

Everyone has something to share, to teach, everyone has something to express.

Even if our views differ there are so many things that we share in common.

We are all seeking similar things – health, happiness, peace, love and healthy community, thriving community.

PLEASE feel invited, it is a Free Event.

There will be few healers & wellness activist speaking and presenting, answering question but I want to invite all of you to bring your wisdom to the table  – and let’s share and speak out and participate in creating the future that we all want.

If you are planning to come in person please RSVP so we can make sure we are not overcrowding and we stay safe.

Thank you. 😊


8:45AM Welcome Tea & Snacks

9AM Wellness Program Starts on Zoom and in Studio, in person.

Gitanjali, Geordie Numata , Dr. Jack Kura, Sam & Fred are some of the people to host and speak in the morning.

11AM – 12:30PM – Breathing Yoga Class (Bliss of Pranayam)

12:30-1PM – Live Gong Deep Relaxation and Healing Session

1PM – Community Vegetarian Pot Luck LUNCH

1:15PM – 2:30 PM Wellness Program Continues with more discussion, more fun and more wisdom sharing.

CHILDREN AGES 4-18 ARE VERY WELCOME and ARE INVITED TO PARTICIPATE AND SPEAK OUT to share their thoughts.    Please RSVP !!   Thank you.

Sending Blessings and much Love,

Looking forward to seeing you in person or on Zoom.

Marilyn aka Gitanjali

Join ZOOM Meeting – Invitation