NEW Spring Equinox Immersion: March 20 & 21

You’re invited to the Spring Equinox Discovery Immersion Weekend March 20 & 21, 2021

We have all been programmed, to a lesser or greater degree, forgetting our own inherent sense of balance and personal power.

It is time NOW that we free ourselves from the old programming through the Quantum Power of our Heart and by remembering and becoming the Powerful Beings of Light, Goddesses and Gods, that we truly are, so we can bring our Mother Earth, the living sentient organism that She is,  back to the state of Pure Love, Pure Creation, Pure Light – Thriving, Peaceful and Abundant.

We MUST remember who we were thousands of years ago, by acknowledging that we have, slowly over a period of time,
given our Power, our Light away.

The Healing, the Remembering,  the Re-Claiming does not have to take a long time – it happens in a SHIFT, in the HERE-NOW, by our aligning and our willingness to become Victorious, Joyous,
Invincible Women and Men, who are Majestic, Gentle, Graceful, Loving, Kind and Compassionate.

This Spring Equinox Immersion, (Mother’s Nature New Year), is a perfect time to reconnect with the Divine Mother,
Divine Feminine within each of us women and to embrace the Sacred Masculine and Balance the Divine Feminine within each man.

I invite you to the Spring Equinox Discovery Immersion Weekend
with Yoga, Meditation, Astrology Science, Powerful Lectures, Interactive Soul Storms and just simply practicing remembrance with a Live Gong and Shamanic Drum Session.

This Weekend Immersion will be hosted by Gitanjali and Geordie Numata at Sat Nam Yoga Spa Center At Mother Divine Foundation in Hurleyville on March 20 & 21.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions, space is very limited –
Accommodations and Meals available for those
who are coming for the Weekend from NYC or other distant areas.

Please reserve your spot as soon as possible,
whether you are local or coming from out of town.


SATURDAY, March 20th – 11 am to 5 pm
SUNDAY, March 21 – 11 am to 5 pm


$120 for both Days, for the 12 hours **

$70 if you take only one day

$200 for a Couple for both Days

$120 for a Couple for One Day Only

IMMERSION WEEKEND –  RETREAT STYLE for long distance visitors

If you would like to come and spend the whole weekend with us, you are encouraged to come on Friday night, (arrival time 4:30-8 pm), March 19th and stay until Sunday night, (departure time 5-7 pm), March 21.


– Two vegetarian meals served at 10 am and 5:30 pm

– Two-Night Accommodations

– 12 hour Immersion Workshop with Geordie & Gitanjali

– Snacks during the Workshops


$550 per person, all-inclusive with what’s listed above**

$880 per couple, all-inclusive with what’s listed above

THERE WILL BE FLOATATION Sessions available, but they have to be reserved 3 days in advance prior to the Immersion Weekend.

Immersion Discounted Cost: $60 for 1 hour session (Regular Price $80)
and $50 per session if you book two sessions or more.

** If you’d love to take this Immersion, but you are experiencing a very challenging financial situation, please reach out to me. There might be some partial work-exchange scholarships. I am sure we will work something out. 😊

PS. Right now we are not planning to offer this Immersion on Zoom, however if there are a lot of people interested and we are full and cannot accommodate them in the studio, then we will make the effort and stream the Immersion Workshop on Zoom.

TO RSVP, please email Gitanjali at

Venmo: @Marilyn-Valant